If you’re playing Street Fighter 6 and have encountered a yellow card, you might be wondering what it means and how to get rid of it. Yellow and red cards in SF6 are part of the game’s penalty system, designed to discourage unsportsmanlike behavior, such as rage quitting during online matches. This guide will explain what these penalties are, why you might have received them, and most importantly, how to get rid of a yellow card in SF6.

What Are Yellow and Red Cards in SF6?

In Street Fighter 6 (SF6), the yellow card is a warning issued to players who have violated certain rules, most commonly due to rage quitting. Rage quitting, or intentionally disconnecting from a match before it concludes, is frowned upon because it disrupts the experience for other players. To combat this, SF6 has implemented a penalty system where repeat offenders may receive a yellow card as a first warning, escalating to a red card for continued offenses.

  • 🟨 Yellow Card: A warning that indicates you have engaged in unsportsmanlike behavior, typically rage quitting.
  • 🟥 Red Card: A more severe penalty that may result in harsher consequences, such as temporary bans or restrictions on online play.

Why Did You Receive a Yellow Card?

If you’ve received a yellow card in SF6, it’s likely because the game detected that you disconnected from an online match prematurely. The system automatically flags these disconnections, assuming they were intentional. While some players might disconnect due to legitimate issues like internet problems, the system is primarily designed to catch and penalize those who quit to avoid losing.

How to Get Rid of a Yellow Card in SF6

Now that you know what the yellow card is and why you received it, let’s discuss how to get rid of it:

  1. Play Clean Matches

The most effective way to get rid of a yellow card in SF6 is to consistently complete your online matches without disconnecting. Over time, the system will recognize your good behavior and the yellow card will be removed.

  1. Avoid Rage Quitting

If you’re prone to rage quitting, consider taking breaks when you’re frustrated rather than quitting mid-match. Staying calm and completing each match, even if you’re losing, will help you avoid further penalties.

  1. Check Your Internet Connection

Ensure your internet connection is stable before entering online matches. Frequent disconnections due to poor internet can lead to yellow and even red cards. Consider using a wired connection for more stability.

  1. Wait It Out

In some cases, the yellow card may simply expire after a certain period of clean play. This requires patience and continued fair play on your part.

Street Fighter 6 rage quitting
Don’t be as angry as Bison

How to Avoid Red Cards in SF6

If you’ve already received a yellow card, it’s crucial to avoid progressing to a red card, which comes with more severe penalties. Follow the steps mentioned above to ensure you don’t receive additional warnings. If you reach the red card stage, you may face temporary bans or other restrictions, which could significantly hinder your ability to enjoy online play in Street Fighter 6.


Receiving a yellow card in Street Fighter 6 is a clear signal from the game’s developers that your behavior needs adjustment. By understanding the reasons behind these penalties and following the tips provided, you can get rid of a yellow card in SF6 and continue to enjoy the game without further issues. Remember, completing matches and maintaining a stable internet connection are key to avoiding penalties in the future.

Stay calm, play fairly, and enjoy the battles ahead!
